It comes down to caring more about money and promotions.
National Guardsmen fight.
Master Sergeant Jim Buckley has been fighting for years to have injuries and medical conditions that he says stem from serving in the Air National Guard covered. CBS News senior investigative correspondent Catherine Herridge reports.
It’s going to break you.
Wounded veteran Kash Alvaro talks about how he has struggled with PTSD since returning from Afghanistan in 2010. He was labeled by his Army unit as a malingerer and thrown out for misconduct.
Kash Alvaro was in the emergency room in Colorado Springs on April 26 after having a seizure, blurred vision, and numbness in his leg. Alvaro said his problems started shortly after he was injured by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan in 2009.
“Man up.”
In Fort Carson's Warrior Transition, wounded veteran Jerrald Jensen says he encountered sergeants who had never deployed and treated the wounded harshly.
They are not taking care of us.
Wounded veteran Jerrald Jensen had the lower half of his face shattered by an IED in Iraq. He says soldiers don't have the same workman's compensation rights as everyone else.
It’s a death sentence.
Robert Alvarez says soldiers who are stripped of benefits by an other-than-honorable discharge struggle to recover when released into society.
It’s a numbers game.
Army Reserve Sergeant Major Michael Chumbler describes the pressures of an overwhelmed medical discharge system that can lead commanders to discharge wounded soldiers for misconduct.